ED634: Furby Research Project



“Language Acquisition”

Written by: Joe Bustillos, Christine “Sissy” Lorenz, & Henry Price
Cameras by Joe Bustillos & Sissy Lorenz
Edited by Joe Bustillos
CAST: Research Scientists were Henry Price, Vicky Storey, Sissy Lorenz, Michelle Catlett & Joe Bustillos
Furby as himself

Originally uploaded to Youtube on Jul 18, 2006
This video was part of an assignment as part of Pepperdine’s Online Masters Program in Educational Technology (OMAET). Four of us, Sissy, Henry, Michelle and I, had formed a bond in the first few weeks into the program and we found that we worked really well together when it came to multimedia projects. The concept and planning of this video was conducted completely online over three chat sessions. I wrote the initial draft, with Sissy and Henry making changes on the day of shooting. While we were waiting for some members of our group to show up we came up with the idea for the “Accident” video. Both videos were shot and edited over the course of one day at Sissy’s computer lab. Apologies about the low resolution and weird way the video sits in the upper left corner of the frame of the video player… sharing videos on the Internet was still in its infancy in 2002. Enjoy. JBB

Furby Adventures Journal

Go to “Why Did The Furby Cross the Road?” Video

About joe bustillos

Writer, Digital Storyteller, Face-to-Face & Online Educator, Curriculum Designer, Technology & Learning Troubleshooter.